no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

10 Jun 2012 – Sunday Girl

Another day-themed video – unlike yesterday’s, this is a decent track 🙂


Time to bed (previous night): 23:00
Time got up (today): 06:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 5


06:30 – Rice cake, glass water
07:00 – Gym (see below)
08:15 – 2 fried eggs, bacon, mushrooms, toast, baked beans, orange juice
11:00 – Rice cake, cup of tea
13:00 – Corned beef and salad sandwich 
15:00 – Rice cake 
18:00 – Chicken and vegetable soup, pizza, slice of cake (homemade, weightwatchers 3 points)
21:30 – Milk, bed


5 mins warm-up bike – 2.570km
500m row – 1m 36s

Leg press 20, 15, 10 – level 20 x 3
Chest press 20, 15, 10 – level 15 x 3
Assisted chin-ups 10, 10, 10 – 45kg x 3 (offset)
Seated row 20, 15, 10 – 60kg x 3

10 x triceps rope (55kg), 10 x bicep curl (5 @ 40kg, 5 @ 30kg), 10 x shoulder press (40kg)
10 x triceps rope (55kg), 10 x bicep curl (5 @ 40kg, 5 @ 30kg), 10 x shoulder press (40kg)
10 x triceps rope (55kg), 10 x bicep curl (30kg), 10 x shoulder press (40kg)

20 x crunches, 20 x ab twists, 20 x bicycle legs
15 x crunches, 15 x ab twists, 15 x bicycle legs
10 x crunches, 10 x ab twists, 10 x bicycle legs



Gave the 40kg bar a go for the shoulder press, and was surprised to find that I could just about manage that weight for all 10 reps in all 3 sets.

Split the work between 40kg and 30kg for the first two sets of bicep curls – had to do all 10 reps @ 30kg in the final set.