No idea why but this song popped into my head – haven't heard it in a while…
Time to bed (previous night): 22:30
Time got up (today): 03:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Night 4
03:30 – Multigrain cracker with vegemite, glass water
04:00 – Gym (see below)
05:15 – Vanilla and Almond porridge, orange juice
06:00 – Bus, meditate, nap
07:00 – Long Mac, muesli bar
10:00 – Morning walk, sliced banana, vanilla yoghurt, nuts, seeds
12:00 – Lunch walk, hot chicken and salad wrap
15:00 – Banana
18:00 – Steak, broccolini, snow peas, asparagus
21:30 – Milk, bed
5 mins warm-up bike – 2.229km
500m row – 1m 56s
Leg press 20, 15, 10 – level 20 x 3
Chest press 20, 15, 10 – level 13 x 3
Assisted chin-ups 10, 10, 10 – 60kg (offset) x 3
Seated row 20, 15, 10 – 50kg x 3
10 x triceps rope (45kg), 10 x bicep curl (30kg), 10 x shoulder press (30kg)
10 x triceps rope (45kg), 10 x bicep curl (30kg), 10 x shoulder press (30kg)
10 x triceps rope (45kg), 10 x bicep curl (30kg), 10 x shoulder press (30kg)
20 x crunches, 20 x ab twists, 20 x bicycle legs
15 x crunches, 15 x ab twists, 15 x bicycle legs
10 x crunches, 10 x ab twists, 10 x bicycle legs
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