no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

03 Aug 2012: Fire


When I made the change recently to make Sunday “day 1” of each weekly program, I hadn’t realised the implication for Friday of each week… The final session of the week involves about 3 hours at the gym, which meant I got up very early, spent 3 hours training, then put in a full day of work.

At the end of it I was knackered – I’m late writing this journal entry, so I can also note that cramming things in like this on Friday led to very low energy levels over the weekend. In the end I skipped the Sunday gym session, to recover and to reset things back to Monday being “day 1″…

That said, I really enjoyed this session at the time – it’s a great feeling to successfully complete the full 3 hour session and to know that you were able to push yourself through to the end. You get a bit of a physical buzz too, which lasts for a little while and then you’re left feeling very tired 🙂


Time to bed (previous night): 22:00
Time got up (today): 02:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 3.5 (tired)
Night 3 (very tired)


02:30 – 1 multigrain cracker, glass of water
03:00 – Gym (see below)
06:30 – Porridge, 2 slices toast. Orange juice
07:30 – Bus, nap
08:30 – Skinny long mac, few nuts
10:00 – Banana, few nuts
12:00 – Ham & salad roll
21:00 –  Chicken, vegetable soup, cheese
23:00 – Milk, bed


Warm-up: 5 mins bike

1000m row – 3m 46s
5km bike – 12m 06s
2km treadmill – 17m 33s

800m row – 3m 11s
5km bike – 12m 33s
2km treadmill – 18m 25s

600m row – 2m 22s
5km bike – 12m 25s
2km treadmill – 18m 12s

400m row – 1m 28s
5km bike – 12m 20s
2km treadmill – 19m 36s

200m row – 33s

Crunches x 20. Plank hold – 1m 01s
Ab Twists x 20. Plank hold – 39s
Bicycle legs x 40. Plank hold – 28s
