no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

31 oct 2012: halloween hardstyle

the day began with a battle of wills; the part of me that wanted to stay in bed versus the part of me that wanted to go to the gym…

2:20am was what the clock said when i first woke up, i certainly didn’t need to be up that early so i drifted back to sleep. when i woke up again it was 3:45 but due to the relatively late night (was in bed just after 10:30 or so) and eating late, there was a strong desire to shut those eyes again and write today off as “woke up too late to go to the gym”.

except another part of me wouldn’t let that happen, so i eventually forced myself out of bed a few minutes before 4am. that gave me an hour or so at the gym (my current “rule” is that even if i can’t make the 5:30 bus, i must be on the 5:55 one so i can leave work early etc.)

luckily it’s “pick a long row” day, and a 10km row fits into that amount of time perfectly.

pretty happy that the gym won the day in the mental battle too…


Time got up (today): 03:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 3 (tired, didn’t want to get up, see above)
Lunch 4
Night 4


04:00 – a few dried cranberries, glass water
04:15 – gym session (see below)
05:30 – cereal, 2 slices toast, orange juice
05:55 – bus, meditate, nap
07:00 – skinny long mac
09:30 – morning walk, banana, dried cranberries, nuts
12:30 – lunchtime walk, small serve curried meatballs & rice
15:00 – few nuts, bus, nap
18:00 – cous-cous with strips of beef and veggies
21:00 – milk, bed

gym session

5 mins bike warm-up

10km row – 44:07


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