no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

this is the beginning of the end of the beginning…


it would appear that marathons have a sense of beginning and end to them. that they are such significant achievements, that they act as natural transition points, where you move from one chapter of your life into another.

well, that’s how it’s been for me it seems!

marathon #1, perth, was supposed to be the end point, the achieving of the original goal to “get fit enough to complete a marathon”

but it led to a shedding of decades of crud, and a rediscovery of the raw, authentic self that lay underneath.

in many ways, the road to marathon #2 (london) has been one of reconstruction and rediscovery. putting the component pieces of authentic self, back into a cohesive whole; one that reflects the life I seek.

and now it’s done and, yet again, during the recovery phase I find myself realising that it’s time to take things up a notch, shift directions slightly and generally ease into “phase 3”.


probably the easiest to explain – I’m enjoying my running, and intend to continue enjoying my running. I have big plans with the running (e.g. run across the country). to support these plans, I’ll be adjusting the dial up a little, with training, nutrition and supplementary activity like stretching.

I have time goals too – ones which I obviously don’t HAVE to attain, however… setting and achieving these running goals is something that actually adds to my enjoyment, gives me a sense of achievement, and also reinforces the confidence, discipline, persistence and focus that then carries over to other areas of my life.

in that respect, running really is a lifestyle for me rather than a hobby.

the second area where shifts will be made is perhaps a little trickier to explain.

essentially, one of the main things I have discovered in the last 10 months is that it’s OK to be vulnerable, it’s OK to care, it’s OK to have compassion, and it’s also OK to say NO to behaviours, habits and activities that work against you.

basically it’s OK to be the real me, and not pretend to be anything else, just because that’s what peers, colleagues, friends or society in general expects.

which is why I put the “open for business” sign up the other day – because if that is true for me, then I know full well it is true for everyone. and I know that most people are living lives that they didn’t really plan on having.

and guess what? you don’t have to continue living those lives.

it’s not easy though – I know this, I used to be the cynical, bitter, sarcastic, drinking, smoking, living-for-the-weekend “Mr Average” that most people seem to be.

it only takes an initial change in thinking on your part, and you can leave that behind – but we don’t do it, more often than not. because it’s scary, because there is nothing guaranteed on the other side, it requires a leap of faith, and it requires a willingness to at least risk being ridiculed by people who are too scared to change, and scared even more because you ARE willing to give change a go…

it can cost you friendships, relationships, jobs, memberships of teams and organisations. this is often the scenario where that awful phrase “you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs” actually has some relevance.

but if you truly desire the amazing life of your dreams, if you want to actually live instead of merely existing, and if you genuinely have the guts to step forward – then you can have it all.

and that’s where my heart is now

finding real magic in the world, and helping others to see it too.

and almost inevitably, to help them understand how running can help achieve that, by teaching the tools mentioned above, providing space for spiritual and mental healing, and giving you great base of physical health to work from.

reality is, I think I have always known that this was where the page was headed, felt a natural calling to helping people become happier versions of themselves – it just needed me to realise that it was OK to say that’s what I wanted…

my page, my story, my life – only I can live it, just like only you can live yours.

question is, do you? 


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