so here’s a phrase that I would never have imagined myself saying; I can’t wait to get back to a proper running training routine!
there’s two components to that statement, firstly after 4 months of having a highly structured and extremely focused daily routine, I am starting to feel a bit lost without having a routine in place. Secondly, I am literally itching to get back out there and be a runner. Not just running long distances, but getting stuck into speedwork too, increasing my cardio fitness and my pace too.
the structure and routine is important in a wider context too – now that the walk across Australia is done, it is time to build on that, develop the business side of things, find opportunities to make a living without sacrificing freedom and independence. truly scary stuff, but exciting too.
as with everything that has been achieved so far, a step by step process will serve me well, and the first two steps will be to start my marathon training program a week early (then repeat week one on the actual start date), and to work through the #lifestylereboot process publicly on the new business page “bright yellow beanie”.
the benefits of this are:
- structure returns to my daily life
- my habits get revisited and rebooted
- #lifestylereboot gets a road test
- #lifestylereboot gets some air time
- bright yellow beanie gets a focus to kick things off
so just with those two decisions, quite a few things get a bit of a kick start, which in turn will lead to more steps to be taken. as I’ve said so many times, it’s the getting started that is important, taking the first step and then following up step by step by step.
can’t wait 🙂
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