no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

12 Jul 2012: Strawberry Fields Forever

It pops up on my playlist every now and then – great tune, now almost 50 years old…


Time to bed (previous night): 22:30
Time got up (today): 05:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 4


05:30 – 1 multigrain cracker, glass of water
05:45 – Backyard session (see below)
06:30 – 2 slices toast, bacon, 2 eggs scrambled, cheese. Orange juice
08:00 – Skinny long mac
08:30 – Moving computer, equipment, chair… not much, but some exercise at least
10:00 –  Slice of cake (left over from yesterday’s celebrations)
14:15 – Lunchtime walk – small serve chicken, rice and veggies
16:00 – Few nuts, bus, nap
18:00 – Salmon, stir fried veggies
23:00 – Milk, bed

Backyard Session

Warm-up: walk around block with Marble

20 push ups, 20 squats, 20 crunches

20 push ups, 20 squats, 20 obliques

20 push ups, 20 squats, 40 bicycle legs

Jog/walk – 1.6kmish – 12m 10s
(around the larger block that formed the basis of the timed walk right back at the start)


Today’s program instructions from Britt were “Backyard session – do something and report back what you did”. I stuck to the same basic exercises, but thought it might be good to throw in a bit of a run as well.

The first time I walked around the larger block it took about 20 minutes. The last time I did it was around the 14 minute mark. So after not doing it for a while, it seems I have shaved 2 minutes off that by starting to jog some of the way.

So now I guess I should start thinking about being able to do that block in 10 minutes or less… and not on or in a vehicle of any kind 🙂