no more mr fat guy
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31 Aug 2012: New Orleans Is Sinking


Funny thing happened this morning – when I woke up I was sure that I’d woken earlier, checked the clock, fallen back to sleep and now would have to choose between early bus or gym…

I looked across at the clock and it was almost 3:30am – I must have dreamt that I woke up previously.

Happy with the 4km jog/walk  this morning and really feeling like there’s a runner in there trying to get out!


Time got up (today): 03:30
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 5


03:30 – 2 lite jatz crackers
3:45 – Gym (see details below)
05:00 – Weetbix and skim milk. Orange juice
05:30 – Bus, meditate, nap
06:15 – Skinny long mac, bacon & egg sandwich
10:00 – Morning walk, nuts, seeds, banana, yoghurt
12:30 – Teriyaki fish bento  box
15:00 – Banana
18:00 – Lam chops, zucchini, sweetcorn, potatoes
23:00 – Milk, bed


5 mins bike warmup

Treadmill – walk 1km – 8m 50s

Treadmill – (jog 500m, walk 500m) x 4 – 30m 08s

20 x chest press (L11), 20 x tricep rope (30kg), 20 x bicep curl (20kg), 20 x shoulder press (20kg)
20 x chest press (L11), 20 x tricep rope (30kg), 20 x bicep curl (20kg), 20 x shoulder press (20kg)
20 x chest press (L11), 20 x tricep rope (30kg), 20 x bicep curl (20kg), 20 x shoulder press (20kg)



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