“tired” is probably the best way to describe me today.
tired when i woke up. tired as i headed out to do my 1km intervals. my legs were tired doing that. then i slept the whole way to perth and was tired when i woke up!
tough mudder recovery, hard intervals session on tuesday, more intervals today…
i think tomorrow will be an extra rest day, just to give the body a chance to catch up.
i may also push the thursday intervals to friday from now on – just so there’s an extra day after the faster/harder intervals on tuesdays.
thursday can be a base pace run or something similar.
02:30 – pre-exercise energy drink
02:45 – 1km intervals session (see below)
03:50 – 1 x Berocca, 3 x fish oil capsules, 1 x glucosamine tablet, 1 x men’s one-a-day multi-vitamin. recovery shake
04:00 – energy bar. orange juice
04:50 – bus into perth. nap
05:45 – coffee. muesli. toast with strawberry jam.
08:30 – choc, hazlenut, fruit mix
10:00 – fruit cup
11:35 – cheesy chicken & macaroni bake
12:00 – small orange
12:45 – fruit loaf
14:15 – bus, nap
15:30 – toast with vegemite, cup of tea
18:30 – lamb & cous-cous
20:30 – glass of milk, 3 x fish oil capsules, 1 night-time multi. bed
1km intervals
3rd week of the sub-60 10km plan from Run Around the World and today was a bit of a warm-up, then 7 x 1km intervals at 6:00 per km pace.
Wasn’t as painful as the 5:00 intervals on Tuesday, but the legs were definitely tiring all the way!