the week so far can be sumarised as slow and sluggish 🙂
basically the effect of doing 120ks in 4 days has been felt, and amplified by the eventual need to compress a lot of distance into fewer sessions than intended.
so a rest day on Tuesday, a run that became a walk yesterday, and a sleep-in this morning resulting in a decision to make today’s session a 6.5km tempo run, with a few drills thrown in at the end.
looking forward to a sports massage tomorrow to freshen the legs up 🙂
05:00 – woke up, felt tired, realised it was “late” and made the decision to have a 6.5km tempo run
05:15 – 6.5km tempo run with a few drills at the end
06:15 – 2 slices fruit toast & butter, vanilla yoghurt
07:30 – bus, nap
09:00 – coffee, chocolate muffin
11:00 – cup of tea
13:15 – 1.5km lunch walk
13:45 – bacon, chicken, tomato & mayo roll. fruit cup.
14:30 – cup of tea, ginger cookie
15:00 – apple