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11 Apr 2012: Rock The Casbah

Rocking the gym, rocking the casbah!


Time to bed (previous night): 22:00
Time got up (today): 03:15
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 4
Lunch 5
Night 4


03:15 – Piece of toast & vegemite, glass of water
03:35 – Gym (see details below)
04:45 – Uncle Toby's multigrain oats. Orange juice
06:00 – Bus, meditate, nap
07:00 – Long mac, muesli bar
09:30 – Morning walk, sliced banana, strawberry yoghurt, nuts and seeds
12:00 – Lunch walk – salad bowl (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot, beetroot, egg, cheese, salami)
15:00 – Few nuts
18:00 – Kangaroo, cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower, sweet potato mash
23:15 – Milk, bed


5 min warm-up bike – 2.153km

500m row – 1m 43s

Leg Press: 20, 15, 10 (3 x level 19)

Chest Press: 20, 15, 10 (3 x level 12)

Assisted Chin-ups: 10, 10, 10 (3 x 65kg)

Seated Row: 20, 15, 10 (3 x 45kg)

10 x tricep rope (40kg), 10 x bicep curl (25kg), 10 x shoulder press (25kg)

10 x tricep rope (40kg), 10 x bicep curl (25kg), 10 x shoulder press (25kg)

10 x tricep rope (40kg), 10 x bicep curl (25kg), 10 x shoulder press (25kg)

20 crunches, 20 ab twists, 20 bicycle legs

15 crunches, 15 ab twists, 15 bicycle legs

10 crunches, 10 ab twists, 10 bicycle legs



Surprisingly pleasing to get a 3(ish) start again – now just to get fully back into the swing of things so there's time for the riverside walk!

20 crunches, 20 ab twists, 20 bicycle legs
20 crunches, 20 ab twists, 20 bicycle legs

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