no more mr fat guy
change your thinking. change your life. make life amazing

big day for nmmfg

3am-ish again this morning – people wonder if I sleep enough, but I go to bed around 8:30 to 9:00 typically, and a couple of naps when commuting to and from work. it works for me.

it was tipping down, absolutely hammering, so I did my 2 minute plank hold and decided to suck it up and do the 6.5km run /whatever/.

the rain stopped almost as soon as I started.

the run was slow but very very VERY good. I needed to take it easy, just getting the blood going and not pushing things too hard ahead of Sunday’s 10km fun run.

the oxygen clearly flowed too because my mind was a stream of ideas and inspiration. I filled an entire sheet of A4 with ideas, concepts, topics, titles and content ideas for books, manifestos and blog posts.

I am starting to love this “runspiration” stuff that’s happening.

and then serendipity decided to join the party

the recent “fucking amazing” article had been retweeted by Srini at Blogcast FM, one of his followers retweeted and commented on the article.

I had no idea who this person was. I googled her name.

google led me to blog posts, articles, interviews. with shit coming up that hit the nail on the head of the exact things I had been thinking earlier.

this lady, as it turns out, is a life/business/personal development coach – the very area I’m on the verge of deciding to enter.

I reached out, I connected, I emailed.

we will be speaking soon.

icing on the cake

the final pieces of the day are that my name is now on a list that may well see me placed in a perfect position to launch a new career, in a totally new direction.

and the real estate agents have been in and the estimated valuations on the NMMFG residence makes the whole move south look very very near.

when the universe works like this, I am in total awe.

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