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Feb 02 2012: wet, wet, wet

4:15am start today, though I was woken up an hour or two earlier, probably due to the sound of rain falling on the metal roof. Fortunately it had stopped by the time I got up, though it made for a very humid, sweaty walk this morning. On the plus side there were plenty of different smells today, wet warm earth and wood aromas. Also mixed up the walk a bit by going around clockwise, instead of the usual anti-clockwise direction. We sure know how to party in Southern River! Living on the edge…

Breakfast: 1 cup of cereal (Just Right), skim milk (pre walk), 1 piece dry toast with fried egg (no oil used in pan), glass orange juice
Mid-morning: 1 large banana
Lunch: MYO roll (large brown granary) – lettuce, tomato, onion, olives, capers, cress, hot salami, a splash of balsamic).
Mid-afternoon: 1 large banana
Dinner: Salmon, crunchy greens, baby potatoes

Plain, filtered water: 2600ml
Orange juice: 100ml approx
1 long macchiato, 2 sugars

Usual walk with dog, completed in 16m 16s
Bus/train into Perth, walk across town
3 trips down stairs from Level 8 (must count the steps next time)

Physical, Mood etc.:
Woke up in good spirits, feeling good
Lunchtime – very bright and cheery

Noticed some good lunch options in the same sort of area as MYO. Sushi, bento boxes, sumo salad…

3 responses to “Feb 02 2012: wet, wet, wet”

  1. Jamie says:

    Good work mate. See the link I have included with this post. I have been using DailyBurn for 3 or 4 years now (it was Gyminee back in those days). I can recommend it as a method for tracking food and exercise.

  2. Steve says:

    Gary, two things –

    1) The link to walkabout wellness isn’t working on the right of the screen
    2) What sort of time are you getting to bed in the evenings – I find it difficult to operate on less than 6 hours sleep and would have to be in bed by 10.30 to be up at 5.

  3. Gary Wilmot says:

    Hi Steve,

    1) Link is valid, it’s a domain registration issue – I’ve notified Britt. Cheers for that.

    2) Funnily enough, I’m getting to bed about 10:30pm, maybe 11:15 at the latest. I’ve noted that in a couple of journal entries, will start adding that to every journal, just to confirm.

    Previously I needed to sleep on the bus going to Perth and on the way back in the evening. Now I find that I’m wide awake for the morning journey – I still need the afternoon siesta just to recharge the batteries.

    If you look at the mock journal in the latest main blog article, going to bed at 3, up at 8, naps on the way in and out of town… that was a recipe for disaster long-term.

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