by and large, this week has seen things continue to get back on track. over 50kms have been logged, through a mixture of running and walking, and this is set to steadily climb over the next 6 months.
the highlight of this week was the 24km trail run with some of my parkrun running buddies – hitting the trails has been a lot of fun, and there will be more and more of this type of thing as I work towards the #HAA2015 run from Perth to Brisbane.
In terms of training, I really only have 3 goals at this point in time, and none of them relate to hitting any time-based personal bests…
complete an ultra-marathon
specifically, the 6 inch trail ultra-marathon event, and within cut-off time
that’s 46-48km (approx), within 7.5 hours – and with the added “bonus” of a fair amount of elevation, and in the middle of the Western Australian summer heat…
get lean
my body fat percentage is currently around 20-21% and I’d like to bring that down to about 15%.
this will be acheived through a combination of better fuelling (watching what I eat, thinking of food as “fuel” etc) and getting back down to the gym more often for some strength training.
doing so will lead to improvements in running, both in terms of being literally lighter on my feet, and also ensuring that I have good strength and posture from head to toe.
the strength training should help break through the long-term plateau being experienced, mixing things back up again, and giving my metabolism a boost.
increase time and distance logged
this is probably the main training goal between now and May, and sits very comfortably with the other 2 being achieved.
the combination of better fuelling, strength training and a focus on logging time on feet will allow my body to slowly adapt and become strong enough to handle 50-60km per day, 5 or 6 days per week…
this is the standard I need to achieve – which is still a long way from where I am now, and a completely different world from where I was 4 years ago!
I’ve made the initial transformation, from obese lazy man to active, healthy marathon finisher. now it’s time to transform to the next level, and become a lean, mean running and walking machine đŸ™‚
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