it’s happening. it’s really happening. this week. I fly in 3 days. I run in 6.
The London Marathon. The London Marathon!!!!!!!
Yes, I’m excited. I completed a long slow 16km taper run yesterday, I have 2 more runs on Aussie soil before I fly. I will be taking part in a UK parkrun event on Saturday (taking things very very easily).
and on Sunday I get to run over Tower Bridge, along the Thames, past Big Ben, down Birdcage Walk, in front of Buckingham Palace… I get to run down The Mall for the second time this year, only this time it will be with approximately 35,999 other runners and a huge crowd.
London Marathon. How many times have I secretly thought “one day” whenever it’s been mentioned. when I’ve seen it on TV. when “Run Fat Boy Run” came out… How many years has it been a secret dream.
Well the secret’s out now, “one day” is only 6 days away. the dream will be lived.
I’m not even nervous, I’m amazingly calm (currently, I reserve the right to change this at a moment’s notice).
I think I’ll start packing tonight – seems like a good way to commence this countdown.
OMFG… seriously. does life get any better than this?
oh and here’s a picture of Fat Cat, I promised it would be part of my London Marathon blog…
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