It was misty this morning…
Time to bed (previous night): 01:00
Time got up (today): 06:30
Daily water intake: 1600ml
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 3
Lunch 5
Night 4
06:30 – Piece of toast, glass of water
07:00 – Gym (see details below)
08:30 – 2 pieces toast, scrambled egg with cheese. Orange juice
11:00 – Classic cheesecake yoghurt, double espresso
13:00 – Chicken and salad roll
18:00 – Stir fry – chicken, sausage, veggies
22:00 – Glass milk, bed
5 min warm-up bike – 2.196km
500m row
Leg Press 20, rest, 15, rest, 10 – Level 17, 18, 19
Chest press 20, rest, 15, rest, 10 – 3 x 12 (last 2 sets were a struggle)
Assisted chin-ups 10, rest, 10, rest, 10 – 3 x 65kg offset (last 1 struggled)
Seated row – 20, rest, 15, rest, 10 – 3 x 45kg
10 x Tricep rope 40kg, 10 x bicep curl 25kg, 10 x shoulder press 25kg
10 x Tricep rope 40kg, 10 x bicep curl 25kg, 10 x shoulder press 25kg
10 x Tricep rope 40kg, 10 x bicep curl 25kg, 10 x shoulder press 25kg
20 x crunches, 20 x ab twist, 20 x bicycle legs
15 x crunches, 15 x ab twist, 15 x bicycle legs
10 x crunches, 10 x ab twist, 10 x bicycle legs
Struggled to get started due to having a late night (deliberately, and aware that it might make this morning more sluggish)
Once I hit the gym everything was back to normal.
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