Long weekend over, back on the chain gang it is…
Time to bed (previous night): 22:00
Time got up (today): 04:15
Daily water intake: 3000ml
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 4
Lunch 5
Night 4
04:15 – Piece of toast, glass of water
04:45 – Gym (see details below)
05:45 – Uncle Toby's multigrain oats. Orange juice
07:30 – Long mac, few almonds
11:00 – Morning walk, apple pie yoghurt, sliced banana, nuts and seeds.
14:00 – Lunch walk, Chicken, avocado and cheese sandwich.
17:30 – Steak, chips and salad.
14:00 – Lunch walk, Chicken, avocado and cheese sandwich.
20:30 – Few social nibbles.
22:00 – Glass milk, bed.
5 min warm-up bike – 2.165km
500m row – 1m 57s
20 pushups (all knee), 20 crunches, 20 squats
1000m row (100/100 intervals) – 4m 20s
15 pushups (all knee), 15 crunches, 15 squats
1000m row (100/100 intervals) – 4m 14s
10 pushups (all knee), 10 crunches, 10 squats
Bit annoyed at myself for indulging in snacks later on in the day – just proves to me that there’s plenty more work to go before I’ve truly changed my core habits and attitudes to eating!
Not going to beat myself up about it though 🙂
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