fully intended to continue the daily journal through the weekend (something I never used to do) and i guess old habits kicked in, and it got forgotten.
so to summarise the weekend: saturday i got a reasonable amount of walking in, did abs and the sun salutation routine. sunday i went for a 17km run with a few other “rogues”, a run that included going up a very big hill (and down again).
hill run stats links:
i also slept a bit sunday afternoon, though overall the run went really well, with no out-of-the-ordinary soreness to report today!
it seems i may be starting to like hills a little more 🙂
so, on to today… i woke a little later than usual, and so had limited time available. i decided to simply do a slow easy-pace recovery run of about half an hour duration. the abs and push-ups for the day were left for later in the day.
noticed that the sun is up by the time i get into perth now, so might start doing the riverside walk in the morning just to help increase the distance covered on two legs a little more – I’m going to have to get used to doing a LOT of distance on two legs 🙂
03:30 – easy pace run (see below)
04:15 – 1 x Berocca, 3 x fish oil capsules, 1 x glucosamine tablet, 1 x men’s one-a-day multi-vitamin. protein shake. orange juice
04:50 – bus into perth. 30 minute nap.
05:45 – black coffee. pikelets with fruit compote and honey yoghurt.
07:15 – slice of toast with butter & vegemite
08:30 – small orange
10:00 – spicy fruit cookie
11:15 – lunchtime walk 8.31km – http://runkeeper.com/user/776241070/activity/259927717
12:45 – bruschetta. asian chicken and noodle salad.
13:30 – pineapple chunks & passion fruit
14:15 – bus, nap
15:45 – abs and push-ups (see below). energy bar.
18:30 – chicken, cous-cous & veggies
20:30 – milk, 3 fish oil capsules, 1 night-time multi, bed.
recovery run
just a “roughly half hour” easy pace run – wound up being a fraction over 3.5km
abs & push-ups
hundred push-ups challenge – week 3, day 1, column 3 – 14, 18, 14, 14, 20
30 day abs challenge – day 21 – 90 sit-ups, 130 crunches, 52 leg raises, 80s plank hold
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