To celebrate getting below 20 stone…. n-n-n-n-nineteen stone th-th-th-thirteen pounds…
Time to bed (previous night): 22:30
Time got up (today): 03:15
Mood (1 to 5):
Morning 5
Lunch 5
Night 5
03:15 – Multigrain cracker with vegemite, glass of water
03:45 – Gym (see details below)
05:00 – Bowl of muesli. Orange juice
05:30 – Bus, meditate, nap
06:15 – Riverside walk
06:45 – Long mac
09:30 – Morning walk, sliced banana, vanilla yoghurt, nuts and seeds
11:30 – Lunchtime walk, bento box (2 pcs sushi, shredded cabbage, teriyaki beef, rice, fruit salad
15:00 – Banana
18:00 – Homemade Meatloaf (turkey mince), veggies
23:00 – Milk, bed
5 min warm-up bike – 2.355km
1000m row – 4m 32s
Recover and stretch
2 x 500m row – 2m 14s and 2m 14s
Recover and stretch
3 x 400m row – 1m 34s, 1m 45s and 1m 37s
Recover and stretch
4 x 300m row – 1m 09s, 1m 07s, 1m 07s and 1m 01s
Recover and stretch
3 x 200m row – 40s, 38s and 43s
Recover and stretch
Hitting 10m consistently with each stroke now, increased the pace a little and times looking good. 200m times increased, especially third one. Had nothing left and had to work hard to finish the final 200m!
Great session though – and really set me for a nice walk along the river later in the morning!
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