no more mr fat guy
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Feb 13 2012: Lucky for Some

So here we are, Day 1 of the Walkabout Wellness Weightloss Challenge and at the start of a life-changing process that will build on the preparation of the last few weeks.

After all the excitement and efforts of yesterday, I didn’t make it past 10 last night, which is why I woke just before 4 raring to go!

Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast with vegemite (pre-gym) slice dry toast and microwaved egg
Mid-morning: Large banana
Lunch: Salad bowl – lettuce, tomato, grated carrot, cucumber, grated cheese, olives, beetroot, lean beef
Mid-afternoon: Banana
Family Dinner: Chicken skewers, sweet potato oven chips, corn-on-the-cob

Plain, filtered water: 5900ml
1 glass orange juice (200ml)
1 long macchiato – no sugar (not as bad as feared)
1 glass skim milk

Gym (details below)
Short walk with Marble
Caught bus into Perth today and got off early, leaving about 1.5km to walk
Down stairs level 8 to ground x 2
Up stairs level 1 to level 8 x 2
Step count: About 10,200 – accidentally reset the counter shortly after hitting the 10,000 mark

5 minute warm up on bike
Stretching – legs, back, shoulders
500m warm-up row – 3m 01s
10 push-ups, 10 fitball squats, 10 calf raises
500m row – 2m 23s
10 push-ups, 10 fitball squats, 10 calf raises
500m row – 2m 32s
10 push-ups, 10 fitball squats, 10 calf raises
500m row – 2m 32s
Stretching – legs, back, shoulders

Physical, Mood etc.:
Morning – Woke up just before 4am, aching a little all over from yesterday, raring to go.
Lunch – Feeling wide awake and full of energy. Aches mostly gone.
Night – Not feeling exhausted, will probably go to sleep quickly though (9:45pm)

Have a new route to get my mid-morning snack and lunch… down office block stairs, zig-zag around the complex, down some other stairs, across footbridge, sweep round past convention centre (behind busport), all the way around back to front entrance of busport.
Trip back – across footbridge, walk all the way along until come out on Mill St, walk uphill to St George’s Terrace all the way to pedestrian area that leads down to our building. Then lift to level 1 and stairs to level 8. Clocked up a couple thousand steps or more, and a massive sweat. Heavy going up the stairs, however recovery time was under a minute!

4 responses to “Feb 13 2012: Lucky for Some”

  1. Gary Wilmot says:

    Wow – drinking real coffee without sugar is so much more palatable than cutting out sugar from instant coffee.

    I still need some time for the tastebuds to adjust, however it’s not the ordeal I thought it might be…

  2. Britt says:

    Wow well done, see the funny thing about setting a goal is how much easier it suddenly is to achieve it. Try for as many under 230 as you can now that you nailed the first one!
    Awesome efforts Gary 🙂

  3. Gary Wilmot says:

    I’ll be honest though… rowing style went out the window. For some reason it seems a little easier keeping knees together on the Concept 2. Slightly different dimensions and angles I guess..

    Anyway, for now it seems that my knees want to spread out a little and my times shoot up. Stiffness of knees and muscles plus gut and thigh blubber seem to get in the way of good “style”.

  4. Britt says:

    Technique does matter, but what matters even more is just doing it, correct the little things along the way, work on keeping your legs in as straight a line as they will do and eventually they WILL cooperate.
    Your workday walking is very inspiriational and the key to your ongoing sucess!

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