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Feb 17 2012: Wheel Wobbles

Had some hassles upgrading my main computer’s operating system last night, which resulted in an evening wasted on fixing things up plus another 11pm bed time.

Not surprisingly this resulted in my waking up at 4:30am. This set me off in a negative way, and (with hindsight) I’ve subsequently been fighting negative thoughts ALL morning. Fortunately I have won those battles.

Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast with vegemite (pre-gym) 2 multigrain weetbix with skim milk
Mid-morning: Low fat blueberry yoghurt, sliced banana, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pine nuts and pepitas
Lunch: Teriyaki Chicken Bento – chicken, rice, 2 pcs sushi, shredded cabbage, fruit salad
Mid-afternoon: Banana
Dinner: Steak and roasted chunky veggies (pumpkin, potato, capsicum, eggplant)

Plain, filtered water: 3000ml
1 orange juice (200ml approx)
1 long macchiato – no sugar
1 glass milk

Gym (details below)
2.8km walk along river to office
Down stairs level 8 to ground x 2
Up stairs level 1 to level 8 x 2
Step count: 12650

5 minute warm up on bike – 1.8km

Instructions for the day – “familiarise with available weight machines. For weights, use enough so that doing 7 reps is hard, and 10 reps is almost impossible”. 1 minute rest between sets…

With the Jetts Gym, most of the machines use numeric scales NOT weights. Each number is 5kg or 10kg I think – and I believe it varies from machine to machine!

Leg Press – 3 sets of 10, machine set to level 8, then 10, then 12. (probably 60kg)
Chest Press – 3 sets of 10, machine set to level 10, then 11 (probably 55kg)
Seated Row – 3 sets of 10, machine set to level 12 (probably 60kg)
Assisted Chinups – 3 sets of 10, 85kg (maximum counterweight available). Really struggled on these, really shocking how poor that upper body strength is! Each set I managed 2 or 3 relatively smoothly, then struggled and battled through to hit 10. More like 10 sets of 3 than 3 sets of 10!

Physical, Mood etc.:
Morning – Woke up at 4:30 which set me off on the wrong foot for the day
Lunch – Much much better than this morning, few aches, massive improvement in mental state
Night – Ready for bed – aiming for 10pm šŸ™‚

Had to battle a few bad thoughts this morning, thoughts of: cutting short gym session (so I didn’t miss the 6am bus), not doing the 2.8km walk along the river (so I could catch the 6:30 bus and not be in work any later) and general despondency thinking a marathon was a stupid idea (the poor show in the chin-ups had dented my confidence temporarily).

I pushed myself along (showered more quickly, dressed more quickly etc.) and still caught the 6am bus!

Most of the negativity eased away after the meditation/relaxation on the bus – the remainder disappeared during the riverside walk.

First real occasion where negative crap has reared its head – previously any one of these could well have been enough to have been the beginning of the end. Not this time! Huzzah!

2 responses to “Feb 17 2012: Wheel Wobbles”

  1. I’ve started my journey in weight loss three months ago. Keep the good work up. Tip squeeze half a lemon into a warm cup of water first thing in the morn. This helps the liver and thus it matabalises fat faster.

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