Had a nice slow start to the day as it was a non-gym day. Up about 7:30am or so, a sluggish start was remedied with a gentle walk with the dog. Have a weigh-in and progress check at the Walkabout Wellness gym today; can’t wait to find out what progress has been made!
Breakfast: 1 slice dry toast with vegemite (pre-walk) 2 multigrain weetbix with skim milk
Mid-morning: At WW gym
Lunch: Omelette (chicken, cheese, sweetcorn, tomato)
Mid-afternoon: Weightwatchers Cherry Bakewell tart
Dinner: Pasta bolognese (wholemeal pasta). Forme Apple Pie yoghurt (bloody delicious)
Plain, filtered water: 3000ml
Glass orange juice
Glass milk
Walkabout Wellness check-in (see below)
1.6km Walk with Marble – not timed, just a nice gentle walk – first lengthy walk since she had her stitches out
Step count 2950 (9:30am) forgot to put back on after the gym…
Walkabout Wellness Check-in:
Weight: 136.2kg
1km row: 4m 28s (I think)
Push-ups in a minute: 7 toe and 11 knee, second set (knee only) 21
Crunches in a minute: 25 approx.
Running up and down gym, taking medicine balls from one end to the other, then back again.. 2m 06s (if memory serves me correctly)
Physical, Mood etc.:
Morning – Woke up at 7:30am, mood was so-so. Bit sluggish
Lunch – Felt great after the WW session
Night –
Goal for week – 2km in 5 min bike warmups
Adding On:
Taking Away:
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